Saturday, October 22, 2011

Today's vocabulary word: Irony

Kindergarten has been going well. Very well, actually. Eve is generally excited to get there in the mornings, and then pleasantly ready to go home again in the afternoons. She's learning all kinds of things that it wouldn't have occurred to me to teach her. She comes home talking about Creation and the attributes of God. She has friends, she has a good relationship with her teacher, she eagerly tackles her minimal "homework" on weekends and self-corrects it. Her teachers report that she is doing well and behaving well.

The only blot on this lovely scene is the epic fit that she throws in the car five minutes after I pick her up from school. Usually she picks a fight with Isaiah in some way, and nothing I say or do (either pre-emptively or after the fact) seems to be able to divert it. Screaming, thrashing, kicking the back of my seat, punching her brother, completely out-of-control behavior for a few minutes, followed by a few minutes of sulking, and then... she's fine, as if none of it ever happened. My feeling is that it's a transition issue combined with having to be on good behavior for 8 hours followed by the release of being around "safe" people, but regardless of how excusable it is, it's horrible!

Her worst fit yet was yesterday afternoon, shortly after she received this small award at school:

The irony, it just slays me.


  1. As I recall, this doesn't happen when her cool uncle is around... Are child handcuffs out of the question?

  2. Sarah, I've noticed the same thing with James. Maybe you could come armed with a favorite snack to help ease the transition? I also realized that I would immediately start peppering James with questions about his day. I've stopped doing that and it seems to help a bit.

  3. Ann, I had come to the same conclusion about the peppering with questions thing. Today I tried snack plus no questions. There was still a fight in the backseat, but at least Eve didn't initiate it! I want a bigger car, so that we can separate the children from each other. Having them crammed in like sardines is just asking for fights.

  4. Yeah, but who doesn't like to watch a good ol' sardine-fight?
