Thursday, October 27, 2011

End-of-summer photographic roundup

I thought about trying to make several separate, thematically cohesive posts around these pictures, but the effort involved was holding me back from posting the photos. Highly self-defeating. Here, then, are a smorgasbord of pictures from September and October, saluting the last days of warmth and sun.

Sweet peas? In October? Yes, if you get them planted as late as I did. *blush*

Eve wanted to go to the beach. This lakeshore was the best we could do on short notice.

The light shining through the interior of this golden raspberry makes me think of geodes.

A different kind of bouquet from the garden.

I planted this pineapple sage for the scent of its leaves. I had no idea it would produce such glorious blossoms!

Samuel and his little bear.

Eve in her poodle skirt, ready for her school's Sock Hop.

Morning dew on a pansy.

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