Monday, June 27, 2011


About a week ago, my brother visited us for a few days, and together we took the kids to the zoo in Portland. It was the first time my kids had ever been to a zoo. Here be pictures.

Kids with Uncle Daniel

Eve in front of the sea lion exhibit.

That sea lion was a showoff. And huge. The pictures can't really convey his SIZE.


The giraffe's enclosure was being cleaned, so here he is in giraffe lockup.

The zebra, enjoying the lush Northwest greenery.


Child's view of elephant (Eve or Isaiah took this)

Adult's view of elephant

Ever since we arrived at the zoo, Isaiah had been going on about wanting to see the dinosaurs. We tried to tell him that there were no dinosaurs at the zoo, but he was insistent that there were.
And wouldn't you know it

...he was right.

goway. lemme lone.

A taste of things to come

In the fall, Eve will start kindergarten at a parochial school which requires uniforms. We recently acquired some used uniforms at the school's uniform exchange, and of course Eve had to try them on to make sure they fit.

That's my girl!

*Sigh* That's my girl.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Pansies, requiescat in pace

"Sing, goddess, the anger of Peleus’ son Achilleus
and its devastation,...."


"Must... control... fist... of... death..."


"If it's not the rabbits, it's my own children!"

That last quote was from me, earlier this afternoon, in reaction to the carnage wrought upon my poor pansies. People who know me especially well will know that pansies are my favorite flower.

Anyone want to buy a gently *cough* used three-year-old boy? For cheap?

You might think that this is one of those stories that heartwarmingly ends with the child, having destroyed his mother's flowers, presenting his mother with a loving bouquet. Children in those stories, though, usually don't say things like "Kill, kill flowers!" while they're ripping out the flowers and throwing them on the ground. Next time I won't put him in time-out close to any plants I care about. *seethe*

Monday, June 13, 2011

It's June, therefore, no pictures.

At any rate, the pictures will be somewhat delayed. Late May and June thus far have been one long wrestling match with our yard and gardens. As of yesterday I finally have all the vegetables planted, and only a few major projects left in the flower department before the summer maintenance schedule kicks in (wait, water, wait, curse climate, weed, water, water, repeat). All the garden frenzy has left me precious little time to take pictures, and even less time to write blog posts. I hope to put up some pictures in about a week, though.