Thursday, April 28, 2011

Muffin follies

Today I made these muffins:
After reading about them on Smitten Kitchen.

They came out beautifully. The baby and I enjoyed them immensely. My Philistine daughter and older son literally had to spit their mouthfuls into the trash because they were so horrified by the presence of APPLES. I mentally beat my head against the wall, put Isaiah down for his nap, and went on with my afternoon.

About half an hour ago, Eve came to me with half a muffin in her hand and said, "Mommy, I like these now!" I rejoiced and told her she could eat the remains of the muffin. A few minutes later, I became aware of suspicious activity near the muffins on their rack on the counter. I went over to investigate, and found that Eve had slid the rack half off the counter, which left many many crumbs on the floor below it, and had parked some of her HotWheels cars in between the muffins. I kept my cool, explained to her why this was a problem, had her clean up the crumbs, and returned to Facebook. About five minutes later, Eve wandered over and said perkily: "Mommy, I kind of stepped on a muffin that was on the floor, and made lots of crumbs, but I cleaned it up."

As the gears of my brain ground trying to parse all that, I said something like "What... muffin... why was there a muffin on the floor?!" Without waiting for an answer I returned to the kitchen and found five muffins on the floor, and the rest off the rack and resting on the edge of the counter, waiting in a kind of lemming line for their turn to dive. I spluttered and choked and started to shriek and thought better of it. I asked Eve what had happened, and she told a story of how she was looking at the muffins and she thought Hey, I think I'll push them off the counter with my cars! After a bit more spluttering and picking up of muffins ("Oh look Mommy, I found another one over here!"), I explained with some force why that was a Very Bad Idea, why she should never do it again, and sent her out of the kitchen. At some point, I recall asking her "Did you actually think this was a good idea?". I think she shook her head no.


  1. HA! Have you heard Bill Cosby's skit on the problem with all children? "You say, 'Gimme that! Didn't I just tell you...?' They say, 'Uh-huh!' 'Then why did you do it?' They say, 'I dunno!' ....that's brain damage!"

    [In case you haven't seen it, go here:]

  2. At least it's not as bad as, say, blueberry muffins on a white wall from a high-chair...
