Let me explain... no, there is too much, let me sum up: When we took Eve in for her six year well-child checkup last Wednesday, we mentioned to the doctor that she'd had a sporadic bad cough for a week, and that her Daddy had had a similar cough for going on a month. It turned out to be whooping cough (!?!), and so the whole family was immediately put on antibiotics and told to stay away from people until the course of antibiotics was over. (Have I mentioned that we were all vaccinated?) This meant no school, no Mass attendance, and... no birthday party with the grandparents for Isaiah. :-(
Well, what can you do? I put the cake layers I'd already baked into the freezer, made a bunch of Isaiah's favorite foods, busted out the boxed cake mix, and we had ourselves a wee little family party.
I got my purple-frosted cupcake, my purple candles, my purple card envelope, and my purple shades. I'm all set.
Could this be called "snuff footage"?
Boxed mix or no, the cupcakes went over fairly well.
Samuel looks good in a beard, I think.
At last, my own stuffed animal chair!
I guess that wasn't so bad a birthday after all.
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