This year I took my courage in both hands and decided to throw an actual birthday party for Eve. A party with, you know, guests. Oh sure, we'd had parties before, invited a friend or two, but this time we invited nine kids (and hence a minimum of nine accompanying parents). This meant that we not only had to plan a party for the kids, but also the party-within-the-party for the adults. None of the pictures below show anything of the adults-party, which is a shame, because I actually put my mother-in-law's pressed glass punch bowl to use, and it was stunning. I'm going to have to throw parties more often, so I can make more punch.
First, some more flower pictures, because I'm a flower crackhead.
I think these are "Tete-a-tete" daffodils (narcissus).

Eve, wearing what's left of a unicorn pinata.
Eve requested a strawberry cake with chocolate frosting.
After a moment of indecision, she blew all the candles out with one puff, without leaning forward.
Being six is fierce.
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