Thursday, May 23, 2013

Not dead, just gestating

Boy, nothing takes a girl's mind off blogging like growing a baby in her tummy.  Or at least that's the effect it has on me.  Now that the arrival of Dostal #4 is imminent (my due date is less than a week away) my nesting impulses have spurred me to get caught up on a number of things, including the backlog of miscellaneous photos I've been meaning to post here for months.   Fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately) pregnancy has also diminished my interest in snapping photographs, so I should be able to cover this in one post.

 Eve's 7th birthday party (my shirt reads "Loading...please wait")

 Isaiah's 5th birthday (and first real party with non-family guests)

 Apparently, everything met with his approval.

 Easter breakfast, and my first homemade butter lamb. (The lamb cake turned out well too.)

 Isaiah all dressed up for Easter and rarin' to go.

 My beloved kerria (japanese rose) plant.  I saw one for the first time two years ago and knew immediately I must have one.

This was me a couple of weeks ago.  I'm even more... protuberant... now, if you can believe it. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! That photo was a couple of weeks ago?! You are ready to pop! Congratulations!
