Wednesday, December 5, 2012

"And when you want to go explore...

...the number you should have is four."  -Sandra Boynton

I'll let Eve tell this story:

In case the kid-writing is hard to decipher, here's the text:

"Dear, Mommy
I hop you hav a good day. I am ver ecsited abowt the noborn baby. I love you Mommy!
wat? wen is the baby going to be born?"

The answer to her final question is May 28, give or take a couple of weeks.  :-)

Fall pictorial roundup

Aaaaand we're back.  A lot has been happening, so I will try to sum up with photos.

 Grandma Bernadine came out to visit us for two weeks in early October.  It was the first time she'd visited us! It was very exciting.  At one point we and two of Brian's sisters took her on a day trip to Astoria, and thence to the beach.  It was the first time she had ever really seen the ocean, and lamely, I did not take any pictures of that momentous occasion.
Eve with Daddy on top of the Astoria Column.

On to Halloween.  Eve had been requesting for a full year that she go as a lamb, and I go as Little Bo Peep.  For once, I was happy to indulge her costume fantasies.

Thanksgiving!  Isaiah is in preschool three mornings a week, and boy, do they crank out some great crafts!  This turkey hat was one of their best pieces of work:

Also in honor of Thanksgiving, there is a tradition at Eve's school that the first-graders put on a simple Thanksgiving play.  The most challenging role is that of the narrator, who has to read about three times as much text as rest of the group combined.  Guess who got picked?

Eve, narrating while in pilgrim woman costume.  She rocked it. 

And that sums up our autumn, except for one other item I'll cover in my next post.