Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May flowers

I have no real reason for posting these, except that they're pretty, and I want to share.

French Lavender 

Bearded Iris

OK, not a flower.  But still blooming.

Pink dogwood, toward the end of bloom and a bit faded.

 Weigela gone nuts!

 Coral Bells

Happy 2nd Birthday, Samuel!

Wow, two years.  On the one hand, time flies; on the other hand, he often seems so much older to me already.  I've been thinking of him as a two-year-old for months now, and many other people mistake him for being well older than he is.  However old he is, he's still my snuggle bunny. <3

Samuel's birthday always seems to coincide closely with the local institution of Dozer Days.  I wrote extensively about this last year, so I'll skip the description and tack on the Dozer Day pictures after Samuel's birthday photos.

Mwahahahaha, it's mine, all mine!

Ahh, sugary bliss

Eve's somewhat delayed birthday present from Uncle Daniel: her first double decker cone!

Isaiah, driving the 'dozer.

Eve driving the 'dozer.

Samuel, NOT driving the 'dozer, but watching with interest.

Friday, May 11, 2012

What can I say, it's garden season

The sole purpose of this post is to reassure the world at large that I have not abandoned this blog.  The thing is, it's spring, and spring around here means that it's time to plant, and time to water, and time to weed, and time to curse the dratted late frost that came after the apparently speculative "last frost date" and then go to the store to replace the tomato plant that was crippled in the aforementioned frost... 

Anyway, the point is, I'm very busy, my hands are rough and dirty, and I haven't been taking many pictures.  Soon, though.  Samuel's birthday is coming up, as are a couple of other festive occasions, and I hope to get some good photos of things other than plants.  Like people, for starters.  :-p